Friday, January 26, 2007
26th January 2007today i've learnt of a painful truth..
who actually is manipulating or instigating people? by all means tell me that you wouldn't want me to be there to play with your students i am alright.. dont manipulate someone to come tell me.. it breaks my friendship with him... respect no more...not a single bit of respect for you..
what you did was childish and foolish.. and i feel really sad for my friend for he is being used.. by all means just tell me the truth and i wont get so upset..but trying to lie to me and tell me every sort of excuses you can come up with only makes me feel more disgusted of you..
whats wrong with you? you're not happy tell me? i'm alright...
so much for friends..
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
23rd January 2007time really passes very fast. just a snap of the fingers and i'm turning 19 this i suppose to feel good about it? but how i wish that we can be stuck here forever, never getting old.. till now im only 18 and i'm looking through friendster to actually see how many friends i got.. to be exact 174.. but of cox there are others that adds to it so make it like 200 over?
to my relief =) i actually know all the 174 in friendster so its not too bad ... but out of the 174 how many friends do i really have... I've got buddies that i always talk to and i got friends who i talk to once a long while.. so its not too bad i think ? at least we talk ?
what will we become 10years down the road? or will we actually live till then? time is precious but not many of us pays attention to it.. WHY ? will we regret the things we did not do now in future?
value life
we only live once?
Saturday, January 20, 2007
20th January 2007last night played tennis with Mint, Elgin and Htay Aung.. now i understand what it feels like beening whacked... whacked really hard lolx.. its been long since i last played tennis after i quit training.. but nevertheless yesterday was a good outing..
got my arse kick by Elgin and Mint but the future looks good =)
Thursday, January 18, 2007
18th January 2007whats up next? don't know but school had been good these few days.. how can we have PE on two straight days? crazy..
taking things one step at a time now.. so whats coming up next?
cheers =D
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
16th January 2007erm sometimes i think i got a major problem.. talk too much in class so there need to be changes lolx =D nvm
when tennis comes into my mind i think about the shit that happened..still think its not entire my fault so who gives a shit..but i was the daring one to make the first move first so pretty glad.. anyway still i am gonna continue to play and hope to come out with good results.. will give no credits to coach..respect? not worth giving
Sunday, January 14, 2007
14th January 2007=D this weekend played alot.. friday night went out with my mates, Mint, Andrew and Elgin lolx ... watched school of Scoundrels and later played pool...
Saturday went for class outing which turned out only 5 people from 0743A came.. along was XiangLing and YinHua (hope i got the names right) so total 7 people but we had lotsa fun.. not to forget Baizura friend, Syafiq that join us for Night at the Museum..after that met super duper ex-0651A Razif, Farhan and Najeeb lolx ... dinner at Seoul Garden and played pool again at Marina Square.. same place where my mates and i played the night before..
Today lolx went for Alicia's birthday dinner =D happy 8th birthday ... and after that met Ziyong, Wei Qiang and YanXiang (hope the spelling is right) with YuCong go played pool again lolx ...
thats my whole weekend =D cheers,
Thursday, January 11, 2007
11th January 2007actually been to school for the past four days =D .. was really fun, got to know my new classmates and they are a fun bunch of people.. very steady.. played games together, seen movie together.. not a bad start..
enjoying history and english literature lessons.. really like the subjects im doing now.. might be considering staying and continuing my studies at innova.. see how it goes
Saturday, January 06, 2007
06th January 2007today had a excellent day =D played soccer early morning with yc then went lunch after got his air rifle thingy done at Yishun Safra.. after that went back to Occ to check on the kids and turned out alot people wasnt there just the usual few like Elgin, Myint and Andrew? consistant attendance lolx.. after that went for innova tennis team bbq, really nice but somehow i ended my day on a sour note..
i was wrong and i thought guys could be more forgiving but not.. they hold grudges.. very sad
i did say hi to coach but somehow his response i think, its not that good.. i took the initiative and now i understand it really takes alot of courage.. at this point of time i still think i did no wrong..really.. i was wrongly accused. accused of instigating the others which i did not.. year 2006 was really my down year.. mishaps just happened and keeps piling on it..
this year its gonna be different, its gonna be a fruitful year.. its gonna start inside, something big is coming and its gonna be really different.. its gonna be different from all the years i've had.. trust me..
Love my mates and family
been thinking a lot lately on what im gonna do next..I'm like a drifting log drifting along with the current of water.. i'm like a person without goals, living each day by each day..Basically just wasting time.. You know you have to make changes to your life, it gotta start inside you but you're refusing to do so..So hows that?
Thursday, January 04, 2007
04th January 2007just got myself a new blogskin, it was featured on skin of the day or something so i went to take a look.. besides that this time i'm gonna try upload some photos on blog becox i've never done uploading photos on blog before.. hope everyone is doing fine aye =)

Monday, January 01, 2007
01st January 2007was time to come home but i shouldnt be home this early.. i wanted to stay till Feb and come back after the Australian Open.. still came back becox my mum wants me to..
didnt blog for a really long time becox basically dont have the time.. but since im back i'll love to meet all my friends up? thou i know school's starting soon, if you're free and know me can try ask me out? by the way, any recommandation? Jobs? Thanks alot
miss the tennis kids, miss the class when i miss the gathering
Homecoming is sweet