Monday, April 30, 2007
30th April 2007erm a busy day today thou wasnt able to turn up for school.
Spiderman coming out =D cant wait..
trying to put out the light ? i dont know but it seems like you're trying to ? faith will keep it going and definitely sincerity goes along.. will not care much about what's gonna happen.. sometimes people just gotta stick to their gameplan and not let others tell you what you can do and what you canot do...
so restricted by the four walls in the classroom. its like learning in a cube.. sometimes what i wanna learn canot be learnt in school .. on the route of self-discovery
sometimes things which are easy are made complicated.. why do people wanna make life difficult for themselves? i dont like being restricted. living on people's designated system.. i wanna live outside the system and lead it my way and its possible.. i dont wanna live the life people want me to, i want to live my life my own way.. Always do things that are against the odds, like my washing toilet dream.. dont understand why people mock at it? do people not see what some of us see in washing toilet ? at least i can say i got a friend that at least see what i can see and probably thats why we are close buds ? we are going impossible
and thank God my parents dont restrict me and let me learn the way i wanna learn things..
Labels: living my life my way
Thursday, April 26, 2007
26th April 2007hey so tired recently and dont know why? gotta try to sleep early every night
i wanna wander around myself and see more of the world.. the day will come when i will be away for couple of months or a year to just explore and wander around.. i will do that... so as to give myself a chance to discover myself ...

Labels: the look in your eyes
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
24th April 2007today i spoke to Amrit online and realised lotsa things. didnt know she realises it as well and she's gifted in that way i guess.
i'm a hitchiker ? never know what i wanna do in my life, just drifting around. I'll never have an ideal job becox jobs to me is just a means of getting hold onto a sum of money to get me through the day... Just wanna explore around and venture out.. will not be able to learn much of what i wanna learn in school within the four walls of the classroom.. perharps its true that i will not be able to give stability to people.. becox i'm always on the run, to go around and interact, to learn what i wanna learn that can never be learn in school?

end it with photos =)
Labels: i'm a hitchiker
Monday, April 23, 2007
22nd April 2007i wanna know about the sonnet by Pablo Neruda as conveyed by Patch to Carin... couldnt get a hold of it on the net ...
everyday its like lotsa stuffs go through your head dont ya think ? i'm totally puzzled by some things.. but its the stuffs that actually keeps you going becox you wanna know what the answers are and perharps time is the only answer for it. or put it in another way, time will lead you to the solutions ..
zhai wanna be the light in the darkness
Labels: Praise You
Sunday, April 22, 2007
21st April 2007met my classmates Melissa, Mas, Wendy and LiTing for movie =D a pity Grace couldnt make it .. next time probably ... Had a good time laughing in the theatre lolx ... After that met Kelvin for dinner and a game of pool =) had fun
I saw a rainbow across the river, was AWESOME. Perharps this is what is meant for me? a plan planned out for me which i didnt know initially .. Perharps this is better for everyone? Perharps these and perharps that ? ......
will never forget the rainbow across the river, becox i did not see seven colours. I saw nine colours =)
working harder,
Labels: Rainbow across the River
Friday, April 13, 2007
13th April 2007i'm feeling terrible right now...
life in a mess.. total mess.. need a long break, need a long break alone to sort things out a little.. wish i can be overseas all by myself at this point of time again ...
Everlasting, your light will shine when all else fades
Bless Me
Labels: Glory of a boy
Monday, April 09, 2007
09th April 2007how long can you tahan not doing the things you wanna do? recently what lies ahead of me seems very blurr.. distracted ? lost of motivation ?
i'm losing focus on what im suppose to do now.. whats dragging me? maybe i should try knocking on heaven's door and ask for an answer
i'm just gonna take things slowly and aid you in finding your way back.. dont wanna make things worst by confusing anybody.. i believe Sincerity will pull me through and thanks for everything ... i've never regret anything and this time its no difference ...
Faith is all i need,
Labels: Sincerity and Faith
Sunday, April 08, 2007
08th April 2007i wanna say im not in name but definitely at heart.. i hope i commit real soon becox we all knows who's for real who's not .. i have faith as well ...
yea so Project Quarantine is ongoing so i will try my best not to go online and if there's anything people can definitely text me ... thanks =)
i just witnessed the most beautiful smile
Labels: i'm sincere
Saturday, April 07, 2007
06th April 2007today is GOOD FRIDAY so got no school =) .. went to nai ma house and finally saw yixin (chao's daughter) been a long time since i last saw an infant.. she look abit small in size but very healthy i guess becox very rosy ? lolx ... definitely cute..
after that went to meet the USUAL group out for a bugis outing =) erm basically we just ate and walk around after that lolx ...
after that i was to make a decision.. a decision which deem of certain importance.. i will touch my heart and ask myself.. i wanna do it... but this is against the so called better "gameplan" ..
i went ahead with my own gameplan .. ok so it seems like things got cleared up.. now i sort of get a better view of the whole picture now...
its not a problem to me so dont feel bad .. and i absolutely understand that this wasnt how you want it to turn out to be =) but dont worry lolx .. tomorrow you're gonna see the brightest and nicest sunrise ever...
Labels: best sunrise ever you're gonna see
Monday, April 02, 2007
02nd April 2007when you're down, let me know, so i can cheer you up
when you feel unloved, let me know, so i can bring warmth to your heart
when everything seems to be falling apart, let me know, i'll be standing behind you picking up every shattered pieces left behind and put it back together for you
If you dont see light at the end of the tunnel, i'll bring you out of it and show you the most beautiful sunrise ever
why so ? becox thats what im here for
how's that ?
Labels: a paragraph i came up with