Tuesday, July 31, 2007

31st July

Getting your priorities right is very important.. what should be done first and what follows next.

Dreams and Vision are for real, no doubt. but probably what we've to do now is to try doing well for our exams first? we gotta beat the system, the system that i don't approve off. Where's the source of motivation? you can feel the spirit of dampness.

A goal in mind, beat the system


zhai just blogged on 9:59 PM

Sunday, July 15, 2007

15th July 2007

Ok i think its time to actually prepare for final year exam, if this time dont make it dont know what to do but nevertheless i'm thinking of another backpacking trip again.. This december if i get promoted, i will be going on a school Literature trip to the UK, i wish after the 10days there i can actually stay there myself to walk around abit.

So that is left to maybe after i complete my A's level, which is year 2008. That is if everything goes as smoothly as expected which is i get promoted.

Probably i will go New Zealand or Vietnam or Indonesia.. Alvin, if you're reading this do you wanna go with me ? lolx

or i can carry out that cycling around whole of Australia plan.. In your life, you hafta constantly find things to spice up your life yea and this is one big part of my life i hope. Hope we can really cycle around the whole of Australia soon.. YC, when ? hahax



zhai just blogged on 10:04 PM

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

03rd July 2007

( Part One )

To win the GAME, you need to know how to play the GAME. But knowing the GAME alone does not necessary guarantee you victory. You need to actually know the characteristic of the GAME. The way you should play the GAME gotta depends on what GAME you are playing because different types of GAME requires different approach.

I am now playing this GAME. A GAME that i got no strategy in mind. I got no idea of how to tackle it but nevertheless i'm stuck playing this GAME. Probably i'm addicted to playing this GAME. The fact that you don't know the outcome of it all the more urge you to continue with the GAME. So, what is so amusing about this GAME?

The fact that brains alone don't divide the qualities between you and other competitors make it all the more interesting. Because this GAME sometimes requires you not only to just use your brain to make decisions, occasionally you need to base you decisions on your feelings.

That is not all, money is quite a strong factor as well because the more cash you have, the easier and faster you can win the GAME.

What is the objective of the GAME in the first place?


zhai just blogged on 8:53 PM